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Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in 10 minutes

Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in 10 minutes

Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in 10 minutes

मात्र 2 नंबर भरकर कुछ ही मिनटों में पाएं नया PAN card, इनकम टैक्‍स ने आसान बनाया तरीका

अब PAN Card के लिए आपको किसी भी दफ्तर के चक्‍कर काटने की जरूरत नहीं है. Income tax Department ने E-PAN तत्‍काल जारी करने का seystam शुरू किया है. यह proses income tax की आधिकारिक website पर दिया गया है.

अब PAN card के लिए आपको किसी भी दफ्तर के चक्‍कर काटने की जरूरत नहीं है. Income tax (Income Tax) department ने E-PAN तत्‍काल जारी करने का seystam start किया है. यह proses income tax की आधिकारिक website पर दिया गया है. इसमें आपको surf 2 nomber भरने होंगे और E PAN card कुछ ही minutes में जारी हो जाएगा. आपको बता दें कि Finance Minister निर्मला सीतारमण ने budget 2020 में इसका ऐलान किया था. उनके मुताबिक PAN Card तुरंत बनवाने के लिए एक service start की जाएगी, जिसके जरिए आपको तुरंत E PAN जारी होगा.

ये दो नंबर देनें होंगे

यह सेवा उन लोगों के लिए है जिन लोगों ने अब तक PAN card नहीं बनवाया है. E PAN के लिए आपको अपना adhar card number देना होगा, जिससे OTP generate होगा और आपको E PAN चंद minutes में जारी हो जाएगा. राजस्व सचिव अजय भूषण पांडेय की मानें तो इससे लोगों को PAN card लेने में काफी सहूलियत हो रही है

Kaise kam karega eha seystam (कैसे काम करेगा यह सिस्टम)

Income tax department की website पर https://www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in/home जाएं
वहां Instant PAN through Aadhaar New link पर click करें
फिर दो option open होगा - 1 Get New PAN
2 check status/download PAN
अब Aadhaar Nomber देनी होगी, इसके बाद उसे adhar card के साथ link mobile number पर OTP आएगा.
OTP से Aadhaar की जानकारियों का सत्यापन होगा.
इसके बाद तत्काल E PAN जारी हो जाएगा और costumers अपना E-pan card download कर सकेंगे.

Online reprint karne ke tarika (ऑनलाइन रीप्रिंट कराने का तरीका)

Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in 10 minutes

अगर आप दूसरा pan card मंगाना चाहते हैं, तो आप इसे आसानी से online reprint करा सकते हैं. Income tax department UTITSL और NSDL-TIN के जरिए pan card जारी करता है. आपका pan card जिस भी aegency की ओर से जारी होता है आप उसके जरिए अपना Pan Card re-print करा सकते हैं.

रुक सकते हैं ये जरूरी काम

वाहन खरीदने, Bank account open , debit card या credit card aplay करने समेत 16 जगहों पर इसे जरूरी बना दिया है. यानि अगर आपके पास PAN नहीं है तो आपके कई important काम रुक सकते हैं.

Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in only 10 minutes

There was a time when Indians used to visit a pan card office, fills a form with relevant documents, then submitted to the official, after months of verification the pan card finally gets delivered. The Government of India has changed the rule for now and made quite easy you can go for instant pan card apply and your pan card will be available online withing 10 minutes. Check the process below

As mentioned above you can apply for pan card while entering aadhar card details on the site. It will hardly take ten minutes and that’s it your e pan card will be generated.

Learn How to apply for instant pan card online.

Pan card apply | Get instant pan card in 10 minutes

Visit The official pan card website which is mentioned here. Click on Get new pan Button. Enter your AADHAR details, It will provide you a captcha code, Once you submit it an OTP will arrive on your number linked to AADHAR card. Confirm by entering the OTP and wait for the process. Also as a Security step, IT will ask you to enter or check email details as wellOnce the details are entered the process will began, The details uploaded like AADHAR number and OTP will be checked by the server and will fetch your data from the data base. Once the records verified, you’re instant pan card will be available on your phone. Do remember, The whole background process will not take more than 10 minutes. After the synchronization is done, You can visit here. Again Enter your AADHAR number and Captcha code to confirm.They’ll provide you an OTP, Feed the OTP in the server and select check your View Pan card status/Download Pan Card. The Pan card will be in PDF format.

That’s it with these simple steps you can get e pan card with the help of AADHAR CARD

Previously we need to fill at least 2 Page form with a xerox copy of documents, but now it’s made so easy. According to me this initiative is a part of “The Digital India”

Those who still don’t have any pan card do apply here, Also if you want to apply for a hard copy of your pan card you can select reprint Pan card which will charge you around 50 Rs.

Who are eligible to apply e pan card ? 

This service is only available for users who have never applied for pan card, Have their number registered with aadhar card and complete date of Birth is available on your AADHAR card. After matching these things only one can apply for e pan card.

Minors below 18 years cannot do this.

Who took the initiative to launch this service ? 

Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman had announced that to further ease the process of allotment of PAN. The power. Goverment will launch a new system under which PAN shall be instantly allotted online on the basis of Aadhaar without any requirement for filling up of detailed application form. This decision was pushed forward in 2020 Budget which was held on February.

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